Sunday, September 4, 2011

Latest project

I just wanted to share my latest project.  I subscribed to this Cyberclass a few years ago but never got around to stitching it.  Yesterday I dug it out and set it up and put in the outside round of Klosters last night.  VS Cyberclasses are very detailed and fun to stitch.  I also have Tea Party waiting in the wings!

Tea and Stitches by Victoria Sampler

Friday, September 2, 2011

Finished The Treasure Box!

I finished this the other night and really enjoyed stitching it.  This is The Treasure Box from The Drawn Thread, one of my favorite designers.  It's about 6" square and so not a large design and was quick to stitch and I learned a few stitches along the way!

Now I need to choose another Drawn Thread design to stitch.  This was done as a SAL on the Yahoo Group TSSDrawnThreadSAL which is a spin off group of The Stitch Specialists, see link on left side of blog.